Martin Graham Cloud Coaching

An image of two boys standing on the beach by the sea. They are using a bamboo pole as a telephone to talk to each other.

Accelerate your evolution and internationalize your development.

Accélérez votre évolution et internationalisez votre développement.

"I can confirm that Martin was a key actor for our integration process in a global organization."
E.M., Global CFO Capgemini Group


Coaching, support and project realization in French and English.  Individually, in teams, and/or for a group of senior executives.  For a new position, projects, and international markets. Your professional goals are the target to achieve. English as a global language, international relations, executive presentations, career development, business development and agility across geographical and professional cultures. Project adapted to your needs, and your environment.

Martin Graham is very well referenced, bilingual, and experienced to support, encourage, secure, and develop talented people at work.

'Click' the down arrows to navigate the site, follow the links, see a brief description, and begin a conversation, with me in English ou en français. Try it here now ...

image of two dialogue bubbles with a down arrow. click the down arrow to open the link to the page with all the details.  this works throughout the site.

like that, you got it!

small image on which you right click and open in new window to be able to see the details in a large format

You can also right click on any image to open it in a new window at full size to see the details or take a screen shot or photo; right click this one and see.  ◀ ... Try it here now

martin graham cloud coaching logo.

Table of contents English version -
Pour la table des matières version Français ...

This website is designed to introduce you to me, Martin Graham, and to tell you the story of why, how, and when, I coach my clients.  On this first page, I have tried to orient you by asking some questions and leading you, by the links, to the place on the site where I answer those questions.  'click' the down arrows to follow the links for a brief description.

People are not made to serve the rules; the rules are made to serve people.

A story of why and how I did
targeted, accelerated, concrete, intercultural, enduring, transparent, international, effective, client-oriented, accessible, inclusive coaching, with whom I worked, and who I am.  Martin Graham.

1. Why I started ...

2. Coaching ...

3. Targeted ...

4. Accelerated ...

5. Concrete ...

6. Intercultural ...

7. Enduring ...

8. Transparent ...

9. International and multidimensional ...

10. Effective ...

11. Client-oriented ...

12. Accessible ...

13. Delivery ...

do this and that ...

finding a good role for you, and becoming clear, confident, and at ease in global english at the same time.  

14. Inclusive ...

15. Presenting myself to others ...

16. Martin Graham.