Developping professional and cultural agilty ...


How can I develop my cross cultural skills and attitudes, both geographically and professionally?

At what stage am I with the profiles that are not like my own, complementary to me, and how can I be more effective at leveraging the advantages they bring to my team?

What do I do if I see an issue coming, how do I resolve it and continue to work well with others?

When our differences create conflict within me and within the team how can I bring us back together and recreate a harmonious family?

Another way to see this is in the form of an airplane joystick.

I want to achieve safe rapid flight; this means causing neither a virage to the right or to the left.  Keeping your plane oncourse my using the strengths of the one side with those of the other side.  If we go too far one way then we enter a flight path that can become at first less efficient and eventually dangerous to our progress.