Delivery options ... under construction

Your personal coach ...

As an international business coach I worked with individual members of the board of directors and the CEOs as their personal coach over a longer time. With meetings in their work space,  with their live business objectives, never taking them away from their work.

Your team coach ...

I have also been coach to a whole team with a single objective over a shorter time. Working with each member of the team to build and execute a strategic business objective for the company.

Your international program, course, module co-designer, delivery partner ...

sI have been coach to a corporate learning team. Working with them to design, deliver, and develop an international training program and obtain exceptional feedback from the participants of the program.

Your coach/trainer of your trainer or training team ...

As I have learnt a great many different approaches to coaching and been a training manager I am also able to train the trainer to be creative and effective in designing and delivering in-house learning programs.