Your profile and role ...

We each have a score for each role and the dominant combination determines our preferred professional position.

Mine is SIA or sometimes SIE with less CR (however, like R people, I dislike things that don’t work well.)  This makes me successful and happy as a business coach.

Right click to open the image in a new window.
Holland Codes Quiz ...
O'Net Interest profiler ... ▶

Understand more about your personality needs, preferences, values, and rewards at work. (see image right for a description according to your profile)

I like to highlight those elements that are a 'must have' for me, and those that are 'good to have.' (see above by opening the image in fullpage mode.)

Right-click to open either as a full image in a new window


How can I move from where I am now to where I would most like to be.  A clear understanding of why you are happy in your position, or if not which things need to be changed, and how to do that.

The fundamental building blocks of our work can be reorganized, like Lego, and pieces modified, to transform your professional life from just ok, to good, to great.