Daniel Ofman's Core Qualities Quadrants

Daniel Offman's Core Qualities Machine

Daniel Ofman's Core Qualities Quadrants

Probably the most useful tool I use both explicitly and implicitly in coaching conversations.  Daniel Offman’s model rarely fails to enlighten an individual about their risks and opportunities to improve relationships with others.  And, to develop skills that complement their core qualities.

We can use this tool to better interpret the intentions of another person. Imagine my colleague is displaying a 'pitfall' behavior, I can infer from that they are manifesting an excessive form of one of their core qualities, but maybe feeling under stress.  So my colleague who appears to be expressing only fault finding in a project is in fact expressing perhaps attention to detail or anticipation of challenges. I can then bring to them the idea of looking for solutions to answer their legitimate concerns. By doing so I validate their core quality and support their contribution to the team.

I often think of this model as if I'm flying a plane.  Too much to the right or to the left and I start to fly in circles, just the right balance of the two and I make good progress in a straight line to my destination.

* Daniel ofman the Core Quadrant® concept made Ofman famous in the mid-nineties. The Core Quadrant® model is described in the book Core Qualities: a Gateway to Human Resources and was consummated in the book Fancy meeting me here…! This book describes the Core Quadrant® theory in the most actual and complete way, a must to have.  open for more details.

Fancy Meeting Me Here!

Using Core Quadrants to Discover and Develop Your Core Qualities


Are you aware:


In his bestselling Core Qualities, a Gateway to Human Resources (1992), Daniel Ofman introduced the Core Quadrant® model that easily determines core qualities of teams and individuals. This method proved an immediate success and numerous companies and organizations have profited by it. This long term success is ample proof of the viability of this revolutionary method.


The success also created demand for a self-help version, enabling average readers to use the Core Quadrant® for personal insight and growth. This book is just that. Daniel Ofman explains how to discover and develop your own core qualities in a quick, easy and very inspiring way.


Daniel Ofman is management coach, consultant and director of the consultancy firm Core Quality International. He was responsible for developing the highly succesful and much used Core Quadrant® model, and his books on this and other subjects are bestsellers.

You can buy this book directly from Daniel Ofman's website on this link ... ▶